Video: Get Out, Give Back with ALLtech Benefits at Hike-a-Thon
Each year in August, the team at ALLtech Benefits takes some time to get out and enjoy the outdoors, while also giving back to the amazing trail system in Washington state. For the fifth consecutive year, ALLtech is sponsoring and participating in Hike-a-Thon to support the Washington Trails Association (WTA), and we invite you to join our ALLtech fundraising team so together we can help ensure there are trails for everyone, forever.
Hike-a-Thon is a community fundraising event that gives participants the opportunity to hike, share stories of their outdoor adventures, and raise funds that directly support trails in Washington. Not interested in hiking? You can still show your support for trails by joining Hike-a-Thon and helping us spread the word.
Over the years, ALLtech has raised more than $20,000 to support WTA and our state’s trails, and the ALLtech team is the reigning top fundraiser for a company team. Committed to the health and wellness of our members and the greater community, ALLtech Benefits is looking for like-minded folks to join our Hike-a-Thon team, or maybe you want to form your own and challenge us for the title?
It’s easy to register for Hike-a-Thon, and it’s free! When you choose whether to register as an individual or to create or join a team of two to 10 hikers, consider forming a team with your family, friends or colleagues – or you can join or donate to the ALLtech team at