How to Order 4 Free COVID-19 Tests

From ALLtech medical provider Regence BlueShield

The White House announced plans on Dec. 15, 2022, to provide four more at-home COVID tests in preparation for a winter season that may see a surge in cases. The free tests can be ordered at and will begin shipping the week of Dec. 19 through the U.S. Postal Service.

COVID-19, flu and RSV continue to circulate through our communities and emergency rooms (ER) have been hit hard, with many running out of space this winter season. Alternative care options to the ER have found to be faster, more convenient and less expensive, so it’s important to know your care options.

ALLtech members enrolled in medical coverage through Regence BlueShield can visit for more information about diagnostic over-the-counter COVID-19 test coverage, including an FAQ, plus other important health plan information. Regence members can also call us using the phone number on the back of their member ID card.

Remember to get your COVID-19 vaccine and booster

Vaccines, booster shots, masks and other precautions remain critical to the ongoing fight against COVID-19. Information about COVID-19 vaccines, including booster shots, is available via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Visit the Washington State Department of Health or the CDC’s Vaccine Finder site to find out where all eligible people can get a COVID-19 vaccine.