ALLtech Hike-a-Thon Team Again Awarded a Top Fundraiser

For the second year in a row, the ALLtech Hike-a-Thon team was awarded for raising the most funds for a company team during the August 2022 Hike-a-Thon to support the Washington Trails Association (WTA).

“We are so proud of the ALLtech team for showing such strong support for the Washington Trails Association,” said ALLtech Hike-a-Thon team member Ken Myer, who is also the trustee of ALLtech Benefits. “Hike-a-Thon is always such a fun event and the work of the WTA aligns so closely with our mission. Our trail system is a treasure and getting out in nature is so good for our health.”

The coveted prize ALLtech team members are gearing up for is an invitation to join WTA Interim CEO Jaime Loucky on a hand-picked hike and learn insider information on WTA’s work for the next year. Read more about the prizes that were awarded to both individual participants and teams.

The ALLtech team was one of 70 registered for this year’s 19th annual Hike-a-Thon, the second-largest ever. Click the above image or check out the corresponding WTA blog for a recap of winners and other notable numbers, including:

  • Hike-a-Thoners registered: 521
  • Miles hiked: 13,640 miles
  • Elevation gained: 2,347,847 feet
  • Dollars raised for trails: $212,113

Why ALLtech Supports Hike-a-Thon and Washington Trails Association

At ALLtech, we believe that connecting with nature is critical to everyone’s mental and physical health, and we know that supporting Washington Trails Association will help ensure there are trails for everyone, forever.

In addition to participating as a team, ALLtech also was a sponsor of the 2022 Hike-a-Thon, along with partners Delta Dental of Washington and Advanced Professionals Insurance & Benefit Solutions. To learn more, please watch our below video: Trails for Everyone, Forever.